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Our Emergency Department team of medical professionals has made a commitment to see patients within 30 minutes.
ICU (--In Patient--)
·        ICU is one of the hospital units through which a high quality of patient’s care is applied.
·        ICU may involve one specialty or general admitting all critically ill patients
§ Patients admitted to the ICU when their management requires or potentially require advanced intervention in their airway, breathing or circulatory support.
§  Patients may be admitted to the ICU when they require intensive monitoring such as major postoperative or impending need for airway, breathing or circulatory support.
§ Al post CPR patients must be admitted to the ICU.
§ Patients whose prognosis will not be altered by critical care support (such as terminally ill patients) are not considered candidate for ICU admission.
·        Priority I:-
Critically ill, unstable patients, in need of intensive treatment and monitoring that can not be provided outside the ICU. This include, ventilator support, continuous vasoactive drug infusion.
Examples:- postoperative , acute respiratory failure, shock in previously healthy patient.
·        Priority II:-
Require intensive monitoring and potentially need immediate intervention.
Examples:- patients with co morbid conditions who develop acute severe acute medical or surgical illness.
·        Priority III:-
Unstable critically ill patients, who have reduced likehood of recovery of an underlying disease or nature of their acute illness.
Example:- patients with metastatic malignancy complicated by an acute event such as airway obstruction or infection.
·        Priority IV:-
Generally regarded as not candidates for ICU admission.
·        Purpose:- To administer Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) to individuals who have experienced a cardiopulmonary arrest.
·        Policy:-
I.   The Code Blue Resuscitation team shall include critical care specialist (Team leader), the patient's primary physician or his designee, critical care nurse, in addition to the charge nurse of ward where the code blue is tacking place and the security supervisor.
II.Hospital staff shall call and inform the switchboard the location of the code(floor, room &bed No.)
III.The switchboard immediately notify the ICU.
IV.Registered nurse assigned to the code team shall have a training in ACLS.
V. The Code Team shall be responsible for :-
§Responding immediately to the code blue.
§Conduction the code according to the current ACLS protocol.